School Information
Walnut Elementary School
841 S. Glenwick Avenue
Walnut, CA 91789
Phone: (909) 594-1820
Fax: (909) 595-4680
Walnut Elementary School is located in Walnut near the intersection of the 57 and 60 freeways:
From Orange County, take 57 north to the 60 west. Take the Brea Canyon off ramp and turn right at the end of the ramp. Proceed to Lycoming Avenue and turn left. Turn left on Glenwick Avenue. Turn right into the first driveway to the visitor parking.
From Ontario Airport, take 60 west. Take the Brea Canyon off ramp and turn right at the end of the ramp. Proceed to Lycoming Avenue and turn left. Turn left on Glenwick Avenue. Turn right into the first driveway to the visitor parking.
From Los Angeles, take 60 east. Take the Brea Canyon off ramp and turn right at the end of the ramp. Proceed to Lycoming Avenue and turn left. Turn left on Glenwick Avenue. Turn right into the first driveway to the visitor parking.
Walnut Elementary School is one of nine elementary, three middle, and two high schools within the Walnut Valley Unified School District. Our school-wide pledge is to invest in our students' futures by implementing innovative programs, strong interventions, expanded learning opportunities, and technology-enhanced learning.
Walnut Elementary broadens student experiences in STEAM with hands-on science using Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Mind Institute Spatial/Temporal math and keyboarding, visual and performing arts including band, general music, dance, and theatrical arts, and art instruction. Teachers embed technology including document cameras, LCD projectors, and SMARTBoards into their classroom instruction. Students use Chromebooks and iPads throughout their course of studies. Ongoing fundraising is targeted to purchase additional 1:1 devices for our students in the classrooms. Our Dual Language Immersion Program is from Kindergarten through the 5th Grade. Classes currently receive instruction in Mandarin 50% of the day and English the other 50%.